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Thursday, May 19, 2011

how do you avoid/stay safe if a tornado is coming your way

         HEAD FOR THE HILLS!!!!!! this is a famous line in a movie because a tornado can not follow the ground so its a good idea to get in a ditch or something if you don't have a storm shelter. If you have neither a ditch or a storm shelter then i suggest you tie yourself down to something really heavy and put a helmet an pillows on top of you for protection.
    To see when a tornado is coming a smart thing to do is check the news they will tell you where its at if theres one and where to watch for it at. if your powers put check your smart phone those you may beable to get on a website to check for one at. if your at a last reasort then get somewhere safe like behind some glass an check out the window for a possible funnel cloud. if you see one the get somewhere were there is no windows an lock the door with a table or pelloe over head.
     Mostly get a plan on what to do if a tornado came your way. remember all your possiblilitys: lost phone, power out, safe place to go just all posible things to do if one comes your way.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

average speed of a tornado in the United States?

           The average speed of a tornado in the u.s. is about 30 to 70 miles per hour. but the speed or a tornado also depends on what type of tornado it is. the types or tornadoes are classified by damage done which normally means the speed of it, whether its a f0(weak tornado) or a f5(super strong tornado) the tornadoes still have high speeds and are devastating.
         In the us about this time of the year(Spring to beginning of summer) tornadoes happen alot. Just about every time a big storm comes in there's a tornado we've had 3 in the last month in the area i live in. just yesterday an f5 tornado hit a town in Missouri the who town is pretty much destroyed.
         it seem that the tornado average's from the past years til now have been going up and down over the years. they seem to be getting more and more devastating. 

How do Tornadoes form?

          tornadoes are formed when warm, moist air meet eastward-moving cold fronts. which seem to happen the most around march in the united states. the reason this happens is because of the season(spring).
          Some tornadoes form with a storm type of thing for example: a tornado can carry hail and have large high speed winds. this happens when the tornado comes forms in a storm of hail or it could be rain, snow( blizzard), or just a dry one.
          most tornadoes form from a thunderstorm. when moist warm air from the gulf of Mexico, and cool dry air from Canada mix. when the mix it creates a unbalanced atmostsphere. which starts a funnel cloud the ends up on the ground as a tornado